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Speccy Port

936 bytes added, 12:41, 1 October 2012
/* Graphics */
The Spectrum's graphics use 1 bit per pixel to define them. Each byte defines 8 pixels. The colour of each pixel is then defined by the attribute system.
Each byte therefore represent 8 pixelsThe attribute "ram" define the background colour (where a bit is 0), a foreground colour (where a bit is 1), if the dark variant of the colours should be used, or if the colours should flash at a fixed rate.
If the background is a single colour, the sprites can be ORed on. If shading is to be used, a mask is often stored with the pixels. The mask is used to remove or retain (depending on the mask type) pixels on the screen. The sprite mask is then combined with used on the screen to make remove pixels, the final resultsprite pixels are then put over the top. On the Amstrad, the number of bits to define a pixel, the number of colours that can be used, and the width of the pixels is different for each mode. * Mode 0 uses 4 bits for each pixel. Each byte defines 2 pixels. 16 colours can be used without restriction. Wide pixels. This is lower resolution than the spectrum.* Mode 1 uses 2 bits for each pixel. Each byte defines 4 pixels. 4 colours can be used without restriction. Pixels the same size as the spectrum.* Mode 2 uses 1 bit for each pixel. Each byte defines 8 pixels. 2 colours can be used without restrictions. Pixels are thinner than the spectrum. This is higher resolution.