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Roland in the Caves

45 bytes added, 18:12, 1 September 2012
Added links to Amsoft 12-Pack, and provided additional information about Poogaboo
== Overview ==
A conversion of [[Indescomp]]'s [[ZX Spectrum]] hit ''Bugaboo the Flea'', '''''Roland in the Caves''''' was many a frustrated gameplayer's first encounter with [[Alan M. Sugar|Alan Sugar's]] machine thanks to its being [[Amsoft 12-Pack|bundled as a giveaway ]] with the [[464|CPC464]] in 1985.
== Plot ==
== Trivia ==
*The game had a sequel named ''[[Poogaboo]] '', which was released by Opera Soft in 1991.
*Also released on the [[ZX Spectrum]] as ''Bugaboo the Flea''
* Part of the original [[464|CPC464Amsoft 12-Pack]] bundle - the twelve programmes given away by [[Amsoft]] with the machineCPC464.
* Released in Spain by [[Indescomp]] as ''La Pulga''
* Allegedly suggested as a joke when being shown the game, [[Alan M. Sugar|Alan Sugar]] thought that the character should be renamed 'Roland' after lead [[464]] designer [[Roland Perry]]. He was taken at his word, [[Indescomp]] rebranded '''''Roland in the Caves''''' and one of their other launch titles (''[[Roland on the Ropes|Fred]]'') to incorporate the character - a mascot was born!