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Locomotive BASIC

1,573 bytes added, 19:34, 24 May 2012
/* SOUND */
==== <code>SOUND</code> ====
: [the SOUND command has following shape:: SOUND '''C'''hannel,'''P'''eriod,'''D'''uration,'''V'''olume,Volume-'''Env'''elope,'''T'''one-'''En'''velope,'''N'''oise :'''C:''' Selecting channel is done bitwise (combinations are possible of course): <pre>(Bit 0) &x00000001 = 1 = channel A (middle)(Bit 1) &x00000010 = 2 = channel B (left)(Bit 2) &x00000100 = 4 = channel C (right)</pre>:more function about channel are<pre>(Bit 3) &x00001000 = 8 = Rendezvous with channel A(Bit 4) &x00010000 = 16 = Rendesvous with channel B(Bit 5) &x00100000 = 32 = Rendesvous with channel C(Bit 6) &x01000000 = 64 = Hold(Bit 7) &x10000000 = 128 = Flush</pre>:'''P:''' the period number can be a figure between 0 and 4095, where 8 octaves are available.E.g. Octave 0 starts on middle C with number 478. :'''D:''' the duration of the note is measured in 1/100th of a second and can be any positive number in the range 1-32,767. 0 and negative number are in combination with ENT and ENV commands usefull. A negative number means repititions. :'''V:''' the volume number range from 0-7 on a CPC 464 (BASIC 1.0) or 0-15 on a CPC664/6128 (BASIC 1.1) :'''ENV:''' and '''ENT:''' For shaping the sound ENV (Volume) and ENT (Frequency) commands are available. The relation between SOUND and those commands comes with a figure between 1 to 15 for ENV (5th parameter) and 1 to 15 for ENT (6th parameter). :'''N:''' the seventh parameter can be used for blending in noise between the range of 0-15 (BASIC 1.0) or 0-30 (BASIC 1.1). The higher the number the 'deeper' or 'dirty' is the noise.]
==== <code>SPC</code> ====