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No change in size, 08:43, 17 May 2011
Pixel (David Carter) was a CPC artist, PD librarian, and member of the [[Conspiracy|Conspiracy]] group. He lived in Woking (Surrey, UK), close to [[Ratz|Ratz]], [[Doc|Doc]] and [[Hangman|Hangman]].
His earliest work was a set of wireframe animations produced with [[The Animator|The Animator]] from Discovery Software/Woolf Graphics. He then went on to create a series of MODE 1 slideshows ported from the Amiga (using a [[VIDI|VIDIdigitizer]] digitiser), which might have seemed pedestrian in later years but were very impressive at the time. They received glowing reviews in [[Amstrad Action|Amstrad Action]] and [[Artificial Intelligence|Artificial Intelligence]].
He ran a PD library which, unusually, concentrated on quality rather than quantity. Originally named DPD, it was soon renamed [[Penguin Software|Penguin Software]].