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Black Tiger CPC-Spectrum Comparison

306 bytes added, 15:55, 28 April 2011
[[Image:Black tiger screenshot.png|thumb|left|Black Tiger (Amstrad) ]]
[[Image:BlackTiger-Spectrum.png|thumb|right|Black Tiger (Spectrum) ]]
Black Tiger is quite infamous for being one of the laziest speccy port.
But the main problem is that it is quite useless as the Game's window is still monocolour ! So it simply wastes CPU power.
*ZX Spectrum
[[Image:BlackTiger-Spectrum.png|Black Tiger (Spectrum) ]]
*Amstrad CPC
[[Image:Black tiger screenshot.png|Black Tiger (Amstrad) ]]
==What If ?==
There, you have a better version than the speccy one.
==Pure lazyness ?==
It is to notice that the Disk version actually use multiloads...
As it seems to reload datas between each levels...
So the Amstrad version is just some pure applied Lazyness and Scroodgery.
Such a shame for what used to be one of the best Arcade Game of 1987.