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Speccy Port

543 bytes added, 09:10, 19 April 2011
These facts are not true for all "Spectrum Ports" because some ended up decent.
There is anger from Amstrad users in general, because they feel that if more time had had been taken on the Amstrad version, we could have had a version that used the abilities of the Amstrad better, looked better, perhaps sounded better, and played as well or better than the Spectrum version.
== Machine comparisons ==
Spectrum (48K machine) has 48K RAM, approx 6.5k of this is screen. The Amstrad has 64K ram, approx 16K of this is screen.
Spectrum and Amstrad both have a Z80 CPU.
The Spectrum's video ram takes approx 6K. The Amstrad's video ram takes 16K (approx 12K when screen is reduced).
The Spectrum 48k can't do double buffering in hardware, the Amstrad can. (To fix this problem on Spectrum they stored a bitmap in ram which they drew to, and then wrote changes to the screen). On the Amstrad you can use hardware double buffering, but then you need to sacrific twice as much video ram (e.g. 2 x 16K).
The Spectrum has a fixed palette of 16 colours (8 colours with 8 bright versions).