RS232 Interface for the CPC by [[Schneider]]. Schneider is the german distributor for Amstrad CPC hardware (however, thisinterface seems to be Schneider's own invention, not an Amstrad product).
== Pictures ==
Default I/O addresses are F8E0h-F8EFh (though the interface can be jumpered to use different addresses).
F8E0h - [[Z80-STI]] Indirect Data Register F8E1h - [[Z80-STI]] General Purpose I/O Data Register F8E2h - [[Z80-STI]] Interrupt Pending Register B ;\ F8E3h - [[Z80-STI]] Interrupt Pending Register A ; F8E4h - [[Z80-STI]] Interrupt in-Service Register B ; not used F8E5h - [[Z80-STI]] Interrupt in-Service Register A ; F8E6h - [[Z80-STI]] Interrupt Mask Register B ; F8E7h - [[Z80-STI]] Interrupt Mask Register A ;/ F8E8h - [[Z80-STI]] Indirect Index and Interrupt Vector Register F8E9h - [[Z80-STI]] Timers A and B Control Register ;\ F8EAh - [[Z80-STI]] Timer B Data Register ; not used F8EBh - [[Z80-STI]] Timer A Data Register ;/ F8ECh - [[Z80-STI]] USART Control Register F8EDh - [[Z80-STI]] Receiver Status Register F8EEh - [[Z80-STI]] Transmitter Status Register F8EFh - [[Z80-STI]] USART Data Register
Aside from the above 16 directly addressable registers, there are 8 indirectly addressable ones. For details on the direct & indirect registers, see [[Z80-STI]].
== Software ==
== Manual (german) ==
File:SchneiderSioManualPage4.jpg|Page 4 (blank / footer)
== Note ==
The uncommon shape of the housing dates back to a Schneider BTX modul (which was being intended to be plugged into Schneider Television Sets). Apparently Schneider produced too many housings, and re-used them for the RS232 interface. Actually, a RS232 interface is very much the same as a BTX interface (the actual BTX modem must be rented separately from Deutsche Bundespost), so even the PCB may be (almost/exactly?) the same for both devices.
== Datasheet ==
* A [[Media:Mostek_3801_Data.pdf|"Z80 STI"]] is a 40pin [[Media:Mostek_3801_Data.pdf|MK3801]] chip from Mostek. Details on that chip are from the "MOSTEK 1982/1983 Microelectronic Data Book" (kindly made available by John Robertson).
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