/* Technical */
=== I/O Port Summary ===
F8F5h - R - read sync signal (bit0)
F9F5h - W - reset 10bit config value to zero(write once to set config=0)
FAF5h - W - increment 10bit config value (write N times to set config=N)
FAF5h - R - read capture data (after capture was invoked and completed)
FBF5h - W - invoke capture
The three write-able ports are using a "write-strobe" mechanism (according to the disassembled software, the data written to the ports is don't care).
== 10bit Config Value ==
0-1 Contrast
2-5 Brightness
6 Mode (0=320x200x4, 1=160x200x16)
7-9 Dither
=== Dotclock ===