This 256x4bit PROM assists Gate Array 3 (RAM banking)
Inputs: A0..A1 CPU A14..A15 ;-the addressed 16K memory block A2..A5,A7 M0..M4 A6 MAPMOD Outputs: D0..D3 MAP14..MAP17
Addresses used when MAPMOD=0:
This 256x4bit PROM assists Gate Array 2 (RAM/ROM enable)
Inputs: A0 PROM0 ;\from gate array (but translated via COLDAT, A1 PROM1 ;/ not the original value written by the CPU) A2 CPU A14 ;\the addressed 16K memory block A3 CPU A15 ;/ A4 CPU A0 A5 /MREQ A6 /RD A7 RAMDIS ;-RAMDIS pin on expansion port Outputs: D0 BUFFER0 ? D1 BUFFER1 ? D2 /ROMEN ;ROM enable (note: ROMDIS is handled elsewhere) D3 /RAMEN ;RAM enable
Page: 0000h 4000h 8000h C000h
This 2Kx8bit EPROM is used for Video and Keyboard translation.
A0..A8 9bit counter (clocked by 3CY aka 1M div sth, reset by HY aka VSYNC)
A9 clocked by 1M div sth
A10 not used (wired to GND)
D0 video SYNC* (hsync+vsync, passed to monitor SYNC)
D1 video HY* (vsync, passed to ppi)