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6 bytes removed, 01:48, 25 January 2010
/* Description */
IDE8255 is the simplest IDE multiplexer (8bit to 16bit) that everyone can build. And its also the fastest, the data transfer rate is 173 KB/second.
It consists of port decoder, a [[8255|8255]] PPI chip]], 74LS139 chip as control gate and some diodes, resistors and capacitors. The most important is, that the 8255 can work in MODE 1 while reading.
MODE 1 automaticly generates read signal for IDE device only by reading PA and PB of 8255, so only one IN per byte is needed. However, writing needs two OUTs per byte.
The IDE8255 is supported by [[FutureOS|FutureOS]].
== I/O Ports ==