
Dan Dare: Pilot Of The Future

363 bytes added, 18:38, 3 November 2009
Dan will encounter Treens, mounted wall guns and other hazards, if he is injured by any of these his energy will be sapped, if it reaches zero he will fall unconscious. Should this happen or should he come into contact with a Treen, he will be captured. Fortunately the prisons door are not well secured and Dan will have little difficulty to open them. However he will lose vital time finding his way back through the maze.
The Mekon has left a self-destruct mechanism active, in case Earth should give in to his demands. Dan must find the five parts that are scattered throughout the complex and take them, one by one, to the control room. This is easily recognised as it has five empty sockets. When you put a part into the correct socket it starts to glow. When the last part is in place, Dan must quickly make his way to the surface where his friends are waiting in the Anastasia.
== Reviews ==