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Locomotive BASIC

717 bytes added, 22:46, 25 January 2008
/* DIM v[$](i1[,i2]) */ Expanded entry to (hopefully fully) explain multiple dimensioned arrays
: Disables interrupts (but not[ESC]) until re-enabled by EI command or by RETURN at end of an interrupts service routine.
==== DIM va[%|!|$](i1d1[,i2d2[,...]]) ====
: Specifies storage space to be allocated for list Creates array <code>a</code> with single or table v[multiple dimensions. You may optionally specify integer (<code>%</code>), real (<code>!</code>) or string (<code>$]</code>) type otherwise it defaults to the current type set for the first letter of the array name. i1 <code>d1</code> is number size of rowsfirst dimension-1, i2 <code>d2</code> is number size of columnssecond dimension-1 and so on. If a list or <code>DIM x(10)</code> will create an array with 11 elements, <code>x(0)</code> is the first element, <code>x(10)</code> is the eleventh and last. You can specify as many dimensions as will fit on one 255 character line, which is a table maximum of 125. Trying to create an array that already exists will generate an <code>Array already dimensioned</code> error. If an array is not specified by <code>DIM</code> before being accessed, i1 and i2 default each dimension value defaults to 10. The maximum dimensions that can be created this way is three.
==== DRAW x,y [,[i1][,i2]] ====