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Paradise Demo

106 bytes added, 07:15, 17 January 2008
* Crazy scrolls, code by [[Crazy]] art by [[ZZ top ]]
* Chess master demo II, code by [[Rdk]] art by [[Syndrome]] AND [[Brain]]
* Cmp part, code by [[CmpCMP]] art by [[Arlek]]
* Flags cheat part, code and art by [[Rdk]]
* TurnDisks, coded by [[Tronic]] and [[Demoniak]] art by [[Ynexis]] and [[Syndrome]]
* Loader, coded by [[Demoniak]]
== Video == Part 7: {{#ev:youtube|F_LB5s8qcjY|300}} [[Category:Demos]][[Category:Demos 1990]][[Category:Video contents]]