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;; A simple disc copier which uses the BDOS functions.
;; This example shows the correct method to access the BDOS functions.
;; This copier will work on CPC & CPC+.
;; Copier supports:
;; - Vendor and Data format discs ONLY
;; - 40 track disc drive ONLY
;; - single sided disc drive ONLY
;; Copyprotected discs can't be copied using this program!

org &2000

;; operating system functions used

.kl_find_command equ &bcd4
.txt_output equ &bb5a
.bdos_set_message equ 1
.bdos_read_sector equ 4
.bdos_write_sector equ 5
.bdos_format equ 6
.bdos_move_track equ 7
.bdos_set_retry_count equ 9
.bdos_get_status equ 8
.km_read_char equ &bb09
.km_wait_char equ &bb06
.bdos_select_format equ 3

;; offsets into our data buffer for our variables 

.SECTOR_ID equ 2
.TRACK equ 3
.CUR_TRACK equ 4
.DATA_PTR equ 6

;; start of copy program


;; search for commands required for copy
;; this is the correct method and will work with CPC and CPC+

ld hl,disc_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc

;; get address of commands
ld hl,read_sector_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (read_sector_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (read_sector_cmd_data+2),a

ld hl,write_sector_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (write_sector_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (write_sector_cmd_data+2),a

ld hl,format_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (format_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (format_cmd_data+2),a

ld hl,select_format_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (select_format_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (select_format_cmd_data+2),a

ld hl,move_track_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (move_track_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (move_track_cmd_data+2),a

ld hl,set_retry_count_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (set_retry_count_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (set_retry_count_cmd_data+2),a

ld hl,set_message_command
call kl_find_command
ret nc
ld (set_message_cmd_data),hl
ld a,c
ld (set_message_cmd_data+2),a


ld ix,copy_data

;; get source drive

;; display source drive question
ld hl,source_drive_txt
call print
ld hl,drive_txt
call print

;; ask user to select drive
call get_drive
ld (ix+SOURCE_DRIVE),c

;; get dest drive

ld hl,dest_drive_txt
call print
ld hl,drive_txt
call print

;; ask user to select drive
call get_drive
ld (ix+DEST_DRIVE),c

;; display insert message(s)

;; display message to insert disc into source drive
call source_drive_msg
call crlf

;; same drive used as source and destination?
ld a,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
cp (ix+DEST_DRIVE)
jr z,copy2

;; different drives used as source and destination
;; display message to insert disc into destination drive
call dest_drive_msg
call crlf

;; display ready message

;; display ready text
ld hl,ready_txt
call print
call flush_keyboard
call km_wait_char

call crlf

;; I have disabled messages and setup a high retry count
;; so that if there are any errors on the disc, they will
;; be retried without user intervention.

;; disable display of messages 
ld a,0
call do_set_message
;; store old state

;; set retry count
ld a,255
call do_set_retry_count
;; store old state
ld (ix+PREV_RETRY),a

;; detect the format of the disc
;; will only detect vendor or data formats.
call detect_format
jr c,copy5

;; format could not be detected
ld hl,not_standard_format_txt
call print

;; quit copy
ld hl,copy_failed_txt
call print
jp exit

;; format was detected
;; store first sector ID of the format detected
ld (ix+SECTOR_ID),a

;; select format for source drive
;; -this will setup the XDPB for the destination drive
;; -XDPB parameters used by FORMAT and READ/WRITE commands

ld a,(ix+SECTOR_ID)
ld e,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
call do_select_format

;; source and destination different?
ld a,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
cp (ix+DEST_DRIVE)
jr z,copy6

;; source and destination are different

;; select format for destination drive
;; -this will setup the XDPB for the destination drive
;; -XDPB parameters used by FORMAT and READ/WRITE commands

ld a,(ix+SECTOR_ID)
ld e,(ix+DEST_DRIVE)
call do_select_format



xor a       ;; initial track
ld (ix+TRACK),a


;; calculate number of tracks to read/write/format in one go
;; 7 is the maximum number of tracks to read at one time
;; because of the limited buffer space

ld a,40
sub (ix+TRACK)
cp 7
jr c,cd3
ld a,7       ;; maximum number of tracks at one time
ld (ix+NUM_TRACKS),a

;; read up to 7 tracks of data into the buffer

call read_tracks

;; display message to insert disc if source drive
;; is the same as the dest drive

;; source same as dest?
ld a,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
cp (ix+DEST_DRIVE)
jr nz,cd2

call clear
ld hl,insert_dest_txt
call print
ld hl,press_key_txt
call print
call flush_keyboard
call km_wait_char

;; format and then write the data of the tracks we read
call write_tracks

;; - store index of last track written (ready for next read)
;; - test if the last track written is the last track to write

ld a,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
ld (ix+TRACK),a
cp 40
jr z,cd5

;; display message to insert disc if source drive
;; is the same as the dest drive

;; source same as dest?
ld a,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
cp (ix+DEST_DRIVE)
jr nz,copy_disc						;; if source is not the same as dest, continue to copy

;; display message
call clear
ld hl,insert_source_txt
call print
ld hl,press_key_txt
call print
call flush_keyboard
call km_wait_char

;; continue copying
jr copy_disc

ld hl,copy_complete_txt
call print

;; restore parameters that were changed

;; restore message display state
call do_set_message

;; restore retry count
ld a,(ix+PREV_RETRY)
call do_set_retry_count

;; remove all characters from keyboard input buffer

call km_read_char
jr nc,flush_keyboard

;; Exit: C = drive index

;; remove keys from keyboard buffer
call flush_keyboard
;; wait for next character from keyboard
call km_wait_char
;; convert to upper case
and &df
cp "A"
ld c,0
jr z,gd2
cp "B"
ld c,1
jr z,gd2
;; error (beep)
ld a,7
call txt_output
jr get_drive
call txt_output
call crlf

;; clear the current line

ld a,13
call txt_output
ld a,18
call txt_output
ld a,13
call txt_output

;; display CR,LF control codes (go to next line)
ld a,13
call txt_output
ld a,10
call txt_output

;; display message to "Insert SOURCE disc into drive x"
ld hl,insert_source_txt
ld a,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
jr insert2

;; display message to "Insert DEST disc into drive x"
ld hl,insert_dest_txt
ld a,(ix+DEST_DRIVE)
push af
call print
pop af
add a,"A"
call txt_output

;; display a message starting at memory address pointed to by HL. 
;; (message is terminated with 0 character)

ld a,(hl)
inc hl
or a
ret z
call txt_output
jr print

;; these functions handle the BDOS functions
;; using the address of the command that was found at initialisation
;; time

push ix
rst 3
defw set_retry_count_cmd_data
pop ix

push ix
rst 3
defw move_track_cmd_data
pop ix

push ix
rst 3
defw format_cmd_data
pop ix

push ix
rst 3
defw select_format_cmd_data
pop ix

push ix
rst 3
defw read_sector_cmd_data
pop ix

push ix
rst 3
defw write_sector_cmd_data
pop ix

push ix
rst 3
defw set_message_cmd_data
pop ix

;; detect the format of the disc from track 0 
;; of source disc

ld e,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
ld d,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
call do_move_track

;; attempt to read the first sector of a data formatted
;; disc
ld hl,data_buffer
ld e,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
ld d,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
ld c,&c1
call do_read
ld a,&c1
ret c

;; attempt to read the first sector of a system formatted
;; disc
ld hl,data_buffer
ld e,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
ld d,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
ld c,&41
call do_read
ld a,&41
ret c
or a

;; format current track


;; initialise format data
ld hl,format_data
push hl
ld b,9
ld a,(ix+SECTOR_ID)
ld c,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
ld (hl),c
inc hl
ld (hl),0
inc hl
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld (hl),2
inc hl
inc a
djnz ft2
pop hl

;; do the format
ld e,(ix+DEST_DRIVE)
ld d,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
call do_format

;; write data to all sectors on current track

ld b,9
ld a,(ix+SECTOR_ID)
.wt1 push bc
push af

;; write data
ld l,(ix+DATA_PTR)
ld h,(ix+DATA_PTR+1)
ld e,(ix+DEST_DRIVE)
ld d,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
ld c,a
call do_write

;; update data pointer
ld l,(ix+DATA_PTR)
ld h,(ix+DATA_PTR+1)
ld bc,512
add hl,bc
ld (ix+DATA_PTR),l
ld (ix+DATA_PTR+1),h

pop af
pop bc
inc a
djnz wt1

;; format and write multiple tracks

ld a,(ix+TRACK)
ld (ix+CUR_TRACK),a

ld hl,data_buffer
ld (ix+DATA_PTR),l
ld (ix+DATA_PTR+1),h

ld b,(ix+NUM_TRACKS)
push bc

;; move to track
ld e,(ix+DEST_DRIVE)
ld d,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
call do_move_track

;; format it
ld hl,format_track_txt
call print
call disp_track

call format_track

;; write it
ld hl,write_track_txt
call print
call disp_track

call write_track

;; increment track number
inc (ix+CUR_TRACK)

pop bc
djnz wts1

;; read data from all sectors on current track

ld b,9
ld a,(ix+SECTOR_ID)
.rt1 push bc
push af

ld l,(ix+DATA_PTR)
ld h,(ix+DATA_PTR+1)
ld e,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
ld d,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
ld c,a
call do_read

;; update pointer for size of data
ld l,(ix+DATA_PTR)
ld h,(ix+DATA_PTR+1)
ld bc,512
add hl,bc
ld (ix+DATA_PTR),l
ld (ix+DATA_PTR+1),h

pop af
pop bc
inc a
djnz rt1

;; read multiple tracks

ld a,(ix+TRACK)
ld (ix+CUR_TRACK),a

ld hl,data_buffer
ld (ix+DATA_PTR),l
ld (ix+DATA_PTR+1),h

ld b,(ix+NUM_TRACKS)
push bc

ld hl,read_track_txt
call print
call disp_track

ld e,(ix+SOURCE_DRIVE)
ld d,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
call do_move_track

call read_track

;; increment track number
inc (ix+CUR_TRACK)

pop bc
djnz rts1

;; output the number of the current track to the screen

ld a,(ix+CUR_TRACK)
call print_decimal

;; display a decimal number to the screen 

ld e,1
ld b,100
call print_decimal_digit
ld b,10
call print_decimal_digit
dec e
ld b,1

ld c,0
sub b
jr c,dd2
inc c
jr dd
add a,b
push af
ld a,e
or a
ld a,c
jr z,dd4
or a
jr z,dd5
dec e

add a,"0"
call txt_output
pop af


defb "DIS","C"+&80

defb bdos_read_sector+&80

defb bdos_write_sector+&80

defb bdos_format+&80

defb bdos_select_format+&80

defb bdos_move_track+&80

defb bdos_set_retry_count+&80

defb bdos_set_message+&80


defw 0
defb 0

defw 0
defb 0

defw 0
defb 0

defw 0
defb 0

defw 0
defb 0

defw 0
defb 0

defw 0
defb 0


defb "Source drive ",0
defb "Destination drive ",0
defb "(A or B):",0

defb "The format of the source disc is not standard.",0

defb 13,10,"Copy failed",13,10,0
defb 13,10,"Copy complete",13,10,0

defb "Insert SOURCE disc into drive ",0
defb "Insert DEST disc into drive ",0

defb "Press any key to start copying",0

defb " and press any key",0

defb 13,18,13,"Reading   track ",0
defb 13,18,13,"Writing   track ",0
defb 13,18,13,"Formating track ",0


;; buffer for our variables
defs 16

;; temporary buffer used to store formatting data

defs 9*4

;; the sector data is stored from this point onwards
;; We read a maximum of 7 tracks, with a maximum of 512 bytes per sector and 
;; a 9 sectors per track. This equates to 512*9*7 = 32256 bytes. There must
;; be enough space after the program to store this amount of data without
;; overwriting any system variables or the system jumpblock.
.data_buffer equ $+1