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Cuddly Demo Asterix Part

63 bytes added, 19:43, 3 January 2007
'''Cuddly Demo Asterix Part''' was Asterix's contribution to the [[The Cuddly Demo]].
Gfx by [[Mig]] and [[SKF]] of [[UNiX]].
[http://cpcrulezwww.freeroserens.frch/Scene_Demoscedric/indexcpc/Cuddly%20Demo%20Asterix%20guestpart%20preview%20(UNIX).php?download=Cuddly_preview_Asterix_Part to download zip Download Cuddly Demo Asterix Part]be patient, this one takes a bit longer to start :)
[[Image:CuddlyAsterixPart.jpg|none|thumb|250px|Cuddly Demo Asterix Part]]
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