,/* Basic Components */
* a distinct rhythm section, which incorporates a noise generator with some of the parts above to provide a few fixed percussion noises.
==== logsin and exponent tables ====
The OPL3 uses two look-up tables, each containing 256 entries.
The exponent table exp[] is calculated by f(x)=round((power(2, x/256)-1)×1024) for x from 0 to 255. Given a value, the significand is calculated by exp[8 LSB] + 1024, and the exponent is the remaining MSBs, producing a floating-point value. Ten bits of exponent are required to represent all values in the table, the largest being 1,018.
The logsin table logsin[] is calculated by f(x)=round(-log(sin((x+0.5)*pi/512))/log(2)*256) for x from 0 to 255. It requires 12 bits to represent all values (largest is 2,137) and represents the first rising quarter of a sine wave.