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Mittwintermeeting 2

1,030 bytes added, 00:34, 5 December 2006
[[Image:freusburg.gif|thumb|330px|The Freusburg in Kirchen/Germany]]

After the first [[Burgparty 1]] started the CPC year 2006, the '''Burgparty 2''' ended it. Again the Freusburg castle has been choosen as the party place, which was built around 1200.

== Highlights ==
* [[Dr.Zed]] delivered the last missing [[SYMBiFACE II]] cards of the first batch. A lot of additional cards of the second batch were nearly finished.
* Presentations of two very different and interesting [[Z80]] machines: A Northern Star CP/M computer by [[Ogge]] (one of the first Z80 computers ever) and a MSX TurboR by [[Prodatron]] (the most powerful mass-produced Z80-based computer ever).
* Multitasking [[Pac-Man for SymbOS|Pac-Man]] multi player competition
* Dance Dance Revolution competition

== Participiants ==
* [[Black Bird]]
* [[Brainblaster]]
* [[Dr.Zed]]
* [[Gert Genial]]
* Kradd (Atari TT, Falcon)
* [[Mr. Ams]]
* [[Prodatron]]
* [[TFM]]
* [[Tolkin]]
* TWH (Atari 8Bit)
* [[Villain]]
* [[Xesrjb]]
(please extend)

[[Category:CPC events]]