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1,924 bytes added, 6 July
/* Addressing */
CRTC pins RA3, RA4, MA10, MA11 are not connected on CPC.
=== Overscan bits ===
Details about Reg. 12 and Reg. 13 specifically:
.------- REG 12 --------. .------- REG 13 --------.
| | | |
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--. .--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.
|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--' '--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'
| | |
| | '------> Offset for setting
| | videoram
| | (1024 positions)
| | Bits 0..9
| |
| '-------------------------> Video Buffer : note (1)
'-------------------------------> Video Page : note (2)
note (1) note (2)
.--.--.--------------. .--.--.---------------.
|11|10| Video Buffer | |13|12| Video Page |
|--|--|--------------| |--|--|---------------|
| 0| 0| 16Ko | | 0| 0| 0000 - 3FFF |
|--|--|--------------| |--|--|---------------|
| 0| 1| 16Ko | | 0| 1| 4000 - 7FFF |
|--|--|--------------| |--|--|---------------|
| 1| 0| 16Ko | | 1| 0| 8000 - BFFF |
|--|--|--------------| |--|--|---------------|
| 1| 1| 32Ko | | 1| 1| C000 - FFFF |
'--'--'--------------' '--'--'---------------'
So, it's possible to use 32KB screen size (used for [[Programming:Overscan|overscan]]) by setting bits 11 and 10 both to 1 (of Register 12). Bits MA11 and MA10 of the address generated by the CRTC are not written on the address bus to access video memory; settings both bits to 1 is the only way to cause a carry to bit MA12 when address pass over the end of current video page to change the memory address to the next video page.