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Graduate Software

196 bytes added, 17 June
| <nowiki>|PW</nowiki>
| If the password was entered correctly using <codenowiki>|PASSWORD</codenowiki> then <codenowiki>|PW</codenowiki> will do nothing. If the password was not entered, or entered incorrectly then it will start CPMCP/M, just like <codenowiki>|EMS</codenowiki>
| <nowiki>|OP</nowiki>
| <nowiki>|OHELP</nowiki>
| rowspan="2" | These commands are both identical. They list any CP/M Plus expansion ROMs containing programs (if installed). showing their name and position (ROM number). Using <nowiki>|OHELP</nowiki>,number or <nowiki>|EMSHELP</nowiki>,numberr number will display the applications contained in CP/M Plus expansion ROM #number, for example <nowiki>|OHELP,6</nowiki>
| <nowiki>|EMSHELP</nowiki>
| &10
| 3222
| Extension ROM name (note 2)
1. Identification: "Graduate (C)1988". Only the first char 'G' is checked.
2. Accessory ROM name is ASCII string terminated with '$'. Graduate's Accessory ROM 1 is called "CP/M Accessory Rom 1\r\n$". You need to provide a description. At a minimum '$' on it's own is ok. The code displays the string and doesn't check if it goes past the space allocated in the ROM. Some documentation notes that this can be 32 characters long, but the Graduate Software roms will only display up to 22 characters.
3. Loading code is required. A dissassembly is shown below. The CP/M ROM executes it. Code is copied from &c070 (length &200) to &3f70 in RAM therefore copying both the loading code and the directory.