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On File

242 bytes added, 11 June
[[Image:On_File_Main_Menu.jpg|right|thumb|250px|On File main menu]]
[[Image:On_File_typical_record.jpg|right|thumb|250px|On File typical fuel consumption record]][[Image:On_File_Car_Maintenance_Record.jpg|right|thumb|250px|On File car maintenance record]]
'''On File''' Database Management System was released in June 2024 by [[KSL]] in order to celebrate the anniversaries of CPC (40 years!) and CP/M-80 (50 years!). On File is a business application similar to the MSDOS-era PC applications and one of the most recent (2024) projects developed for CP/M. <br>
As per '''On File''' Database Management System was released in June 2024 by [[CosmosKSL]], in order to celebrate the anniversaries of CPC (40 years!) and CP/M-80 (50 years!). On File has been developed on is a business application similar to the basis MSDOS-era PC applications and one of the hardware peripherals as well as the software that were most recent (contemporary2024) available projects developed for the CP/M . On File database is disk-based, quick and reliable. It uses the CPC6128: entire CPC screen as the 512 KB [[Dobbertin Memory Expansion]], the [[ParaDOS]] or [[X-DDOS]] ROMS platform for the external (800 KB) floppy driverecords; thus there is plenty of space to store large amount of data. In addition, a wide variety of characters and symbols can be included in the 20 MB [[Dobbertin Harddisc]]records, hence the [[Amstrad Serial Interface]], database can contain data beyond the Amstrad Parallel [[Printer Port]], typical and traditional text type. Setting up a new database using On File is very easy and can be performed in three steps: 1) start the [[CTM640/CTM644]] colour monitor, new file system by resetting the database and the [[AMX Mouse]]master record, 2) frame/draw and edit the [[MicroScript]] (142 KB), structure of the [[WordStar]] (706 KB)master record, the [[Protext]] (406 KB3), append new records in the [[Multiplan]] (208 KB)database. The database is fully dynamic, thus the [[SuperCalc 2]] (240 KB)user can modify the master record as well as any record anytime. Furthermore, the [[dBase II]] (272 KB)database can be either flat or relational. Children records include the ^ symbol followed by the relational key and one space, for example ^Z80 . Parent records include the [[DR Draw]] relational key (235 KB), not the [[DR Graph]] (306 KB^ symbol)followed by one space, for example Z80 . Every record has its own unique filename, stored in the [[MAXAM]] disk drive. On File capacity is 200 records (206 equal to 400 KB), it is thus an ideal application for the 20 MB [[Atlast PlusDobbertin Harddisc]] (224 KB) and other [[Programming software]]. On File includes its own graphics routines (similar which supports up to 512 file entries as well as [[GSXROMDOS]]), is based on the or [[DobbertinParaDOS]] version of CP/M 2.2 disks (v1.128 x 2) which provides 59 KB TPA. Furthermore, supports On File can be also executed entirely from the RAM expansion and the 20 MB hard diskDisk. <br>
As per [[Cosmos]], On File is quick and reliable. It uses has been developed on the CPC screen (80x25) as a single record; thus there is plenty basis of space to edit many different fields and store large amount of data. Every screen (record) is stored automatically in the disk with a different name, so hardware peripherals as well as the software that it can be accessed by other programs, like word processors. In order to set up a new database: 1were (contemporary) Start a new file system by resetting available for the database CP/M and the master record. 2) Frame and/or draw CPC6128: the master record. 3) Edit 512 KB [[Dobbertin Memory Expansion]], the fields and [[ParaDOS]] or [[X-DDOS]] ROMS for the structure of the master record. 4external (800 KB) Append floppy drive, the records in 20 MB [[Dobbertin Harddisc]], the database on [[Amstrad Serial Interface]], the basis of Amstrad Parallel [[Printer Port]], the master record. Relations: The database can be either flat or relational. Children records include [[CTM640/CTM644]] colour monitor, the ^ symbol followed by [[AMX Mouse]], the relational key and one space[[MicroScript]] (142 KB), for example ^Z80 . The relational key can contain up to 15 symbols the [[WordStar]] (A..Z706 KB), a..zthe [[Protext]] (406 KB), 1..0the [[Multiplan]] (208 KB),+the [[SuperCalc 2]] (240 KB),?the [[dBase II]] (272 KB), etc.the [[DR Draw]] (235 KB). Parent records include , the relational key [[DR Graph]] (not 306 KB), the ^ symbol[[MAXAM]] (206 KB) followed by one space, for example Z80 the [[Atlast Plus]] (224 KB) and other [[Programming software]]. If On File includes a record contains more than one relational keygraphics screen saver, the key at the lowest field is set as based on the active key. In case [[Dobbertin]] version of large databases move the parent records at the start of the database listCP/M 2Notes: On File capacity is 200 records 2 (equal to 400 v1.2) which provides 59 KB)TPA, supports the RAM expansion and the 20 MB hard disk. The original disk contains some demo master records (*.002 files) , some demo records as well as the boot sectors for CP/M 2.2 (v1.2)
== Download ==
* [ Download from CPCWiki]
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