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On File

4 bytes added, 8 June
As per COSMOS[[Cosmos]], On File has been developed on the basis of the hardware peripherals as well as the software that were (contemporary) available for the CP/M and the CPC6128: the 512 KB [[Dobbertin Memory Expansion]], the [[ParaDOS]] or [[X-DDOS]] ROMS for the external (800 KB) floppy drive, the 20 MB [[Dobbertin Harddisc]], the [[Amstrad Serial Interface]], the Amstrad Parallel [[Printer Port]], the [[CTM640/CTM644]] colour monitor, the [[AMX Mouse]], the [[MicroScript]] (142 KB), the [[WordStar]] (706 KB), the [[Protext]] (406 KB), the [[Multiplan]] (208 KB), the [[SuperCalc 2]] (240 KB), the [[dBase II]] (272 KB), the [[DR Draw]] (235 KB), the [[DR Graph]] (306 KB), the [[MAXAM]] (206 KB), the [[Atlast Plus]] (224 KB) and other [[Programming software]]. On File includes its own graphics routines (similar to [[GSX]]), is based on the [[Dobbertin]] version of CP/M 2.2 (v1.2) which provides 59 KB TPA, supports the RAM expansion and the 20 MB hard disk. <br><br>
== Download ==