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86 bytes removed, 10:24, 18 July 2023
[[Image:Ulifac_1.jpg|thumb|USIfAC II]]
The '''U'''ltimate '''I'''nterface '''f'''or '''A'''mstrad '''C'''PC (a.k.a. ULIfAC), is a modern multi function board, based around PIC 18F47Q10 Microcontrollers, designed and built by [[ikonsgr]] from the CPCWIKI Forums.ULIfAC is an evolution of [[USIFAC|USiFAC II board]], with which is 100% compatible. The PIC software is written in Great Cow Basic and has been released by [[ikonsgr]].
'''ULIfAC''' board expands the functionality of the previous USIfAC II board, by offering many new features on the same board: