
Technical information about Locomotive BASIC

13 bytes added, 18:11, 26 December 2022
/* BASIC tokens */ typo
A register holds the number of parameters. IX points to each parameter. IX+0/IX+1 is the last parameter. This happens because each parameter in order is pushed onto the stack and IX then points to the last parameter pushed. Each parameter is a 16-bit value.
If a parameter is a string, then IX holds the 16-bit value is an address of a "the string descriptor which point to a 3 byte block". The first byte of the string descriptor is the length. The next 2 bytes are an address that point to the string in memory.
With the help of the variable container "@" it is also possible to get a result from an invoked mc-code back to basic.
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== Entering BASIC programs ==
A maximum of 255 characters can be entered for a single BASIC line.
| &amp;a4
| &amp;b5
| &amp;b6
*The &amp;ff code is used as a prefix for more keywords. See the table below for the list of keywords using this prefix.
*&amp;e2,&amp;e8 and &amp;e9 are not used
*&amp;7c ("|") is a character prefix used to identify a an RSX command. e.g. "|DIR".
An RSX is encoded in a BASIC program using the following structure:
*This token identifies a integer (16-bit) number. The two bytes following this token is the number, stored low byte then high byte. e.g. &amp;191a,&amp;2d,&amp;00 represents the integer number "&amp;002d"="45".
*This token (&amp;0B) is changed at run-time to &amp;0D
*This token identifies a integer variable. 02,00,00,var name offset to number in program setup when program RUN. The variable name is stored directly, with bit 7 of the last character set.