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34 bytes added, 13:56, 3 August 2022
/* How it works */
* Move the top of TPA and transfer the hard disk driver, RTC driver (in case of |HDCPMT) and initialize the XDPH, DPB, ALV of the mounted hard disks to the memory area just below the normal BDOS base address. The newly inserted code will be handled by CP/M as if it was a normal RSX.
* Patch the SCB in order to change the startup/default drive.
* Patch the drive table records to reassign drive letters for floppy drives 1 and 2, hard disks 1,2,3,4 (if any) and ram drive if [[Dk'tronics memory expansion]] or [[Dobbertin RAM disk Memory Expansion]] driver is present.
* Move the ALV of the Dk'tronics RAM disk if ZPM is detected.
* Patch the CP/M console with the desired colour scheme.
* Do a normal CP/M cold start.
Any CP/M 3.0 compatible system that loads the BDOS, BIOS, SCB to the default AMSTRAD CP/M addresses should work. HDCPM will be able (hopefully) to patch it on the fly.<br />
==CP/M Plus disk image files==
A CP/M Plus disk image file is a raw binary image of a CP/M hard disk or partition. Its name must be in the form CPMDSK0x.IMG where x=1, 2, 3 or 4 in order to be recognized by HDCPM. The size of the file depends on the Disk Parameter Block of the virtual hard disk it represents and for the initial release of HDCPM it is fixed and equal to 1 reserved track * 256 sectors per track * 512 bytes per sector + 8MB data = 8519680 bytes. If possible create your CPMDSK01.IMG file in a modern computer and copy it in the root directory of your FAT formatted medium. You can use the free online hex editor [] or any hex editor capable of creating binary files filled with a specific pattern.<br />