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698 bytes added, 09:54, 22 February 2022
SymbOS interpreter added (stub?)
The Z-Machine is a text based interpreter which runs text adventures made by Infocom and Z-code files.
CPCZVM It is a Z-Machine interpreter available for the CPC. It is a modification of ZXZVM, an interpreter made by [[John Elliott]] for the PCW. The Amstrad version was converted by [[Kevin Thacker]]. There are two versionsdifferent OS.
* A version for CPM
* A version for AMSDOS
CPCZVM is a Z-Machine interpreter for the CPC. It is a modification of ZXZVM, an interpreter made by [[John Elliott]] for the PCW. The Amstrad version was converted by [[Kevin Thacker]]. There are two versions.
* A version for SymbOs
Zym, a Z-machine interpreter for playing interactive fiction games (text adventures) on SymbOS, made by [[prevtenet]]
=CPM version=
* This version should run from [[X-MASS]] or other hardware.
  =SymbOS Version=Downloads * Zym, a Z-machine interpreter for playing interactive fiction games (text adventures) on SymbOS written in C.* It supports Z-machine versions 3, 4, 5, and 8, so it can run most of the games published by Infocom, as well as thousands of other Z-code games created by the interactive fiction community.* It supports different terminal window sizes and also runs on ALL SymbOS platforms, not only CPC =Downloads=
* [ ZXZVM homepage]
* [ John Elliott's website]
* [[]] Source code (CPM+AMSDOS+Disks)
* [ SymbOS homepage]