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Virtual Net 96

590 bytes added, 20:27, 30 August 2021
The software consists of applications or games which use the Virtual Net 96 routine pack. This collection of routines is able to transmit data with a speed of 60000 Baud.
See too [[Net Library]].
== Schematic ==
[[Image:Virtualnet96.gif|Schematics of the Virtual Net 96 interface]]
== Software ==
* [[Power Tetris]] ([[Face Hugger]])* [[Shoulder Dash]] ([[Wizcat]])* [[Last Action Point]] ([[Wizcat]])* [[Turbo Ball]] ([[Bollaware]])* [[]]* [[]]
(+ more...)
* [[FutureOS]] provides minimal support (will be enhanced)
== Downloads ==
* [[]] (documentation for Virtual Net 96, a network for Amstrad CPC, with ascii and gif plan of the hardware part and chat sample program)
== Web links ==
* [http://www.geocitiesoocities.comorg/SiliconValleysiliconvalley/Parkpark/6129/chooseengmain.htm Virtual Network 96 homepage]
== Pictures ==
<gallery caption="Virtua Net">
Image:Virtual net.JPG|Virtua Net cards connected
Image:Virtual net 2.JPG|A Virtua Net card closeup
== See also ==
* [[Soundplayer]] (Soundplayer+ was Virtual Net 96 a compatible card)
[[Category:HardwareDIY]] [[Category:FutureOS]][[Category:Network]][[Category:Peripherals]][[Category:Printers and printer ports]]