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720 bytes removed, 14:50, 15 December 2019
/* Technical Information */
* CP/M is used because it has a random access filesystem compared to AMSDOS which doesn't. The random access is required to read blocks from the swap and game file when needed.
* Some versions of the z-machine require that the screen can be split into more than 1 window. The VT52 terminal emulation in CPM+ on the CPC is unsuitable because it only supports a single window compared to the VT52 terminal emulation on the ZX Spectrum Plus 3 and the PCW. Therefore it was decided to use the firmware TXT functions to provide this. I am using USERF to access these.
* The code does support Amstrad's CPM2.2 using "ENTER FIRMWARE" to call the firmware functions however the TPA is not large enough to support running the games.
* Because of my use of userf and ENTER FIRMWARE this means CPCZVM may not compatible with other CPM (e.g. Vortex, Dobbertin) at this time. I have not tested to confirm.
* Disc accesses use normal CP/M functions so it should work with other devices such as RAM discs, Harddisks etc.