

992 bytes added, 14:03, 21 July 2019
The Z-Machine is a text based interpreter which runs text adventures made by Infocom and Z-code files.
CPCZVM is a Z-Machine interpreter for the CPC which runs under CPM. It is a modification of ZXZVM, an interpreter made by [[John Elliott]] for the PCW. The Amstrad version was converted by [[Kevin Thacker]]. There are two versions.
* A version for CPM* A version for AMSDOS =CPM version= CPCZVM for CPM features a virtual memory system supporting both the Z-machines RAM and ROM.
==Running an adventure==
* Disc accesses use normal CP/M functions so it should work with other devices such as RAM discs, Harddisks etc.
=AMSDOS version=
CPCZVM for AMSDOS requires additional Dk'tronics compatible memory (e.g. [[X-MEM]] ). The entire game file is loaded into available RAM so it is recommended to use a 512KB RAM expansion.
==Running an adventure==
* Copy CPCZVM.BIN, ZXZVM.BIN and the game file (e.g. ADVENT.Z3) to media. All of these should be in the same location. It is advised to use a large ram expansion.
==Technical information==
* The program uses the firmware
* TXT WRITE CHAR is patched so that bold, italics and inverse is supported. The font is manipulated as it is drawn.
* Transcript goes to the printer.
* The program detects the amount of additional RAM.
* The entire game file is loaded into extra ram using "CAS IN CHAR" functions. This is used because the extra memory is paged in 16KB at a time and CAS IN DIRECT reads in an entire block.
* This version should run from [[X-MASS]] or other hardware.
* [ ZXZVM homepage]
* [ John Elliott's website]
* [[]] Source code(CPM)* [[File:Cpczvm.dsk]] Disk(CPM)