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Graduate Software

138 bytes added, 18:23, 2 May 2018
Graduate software provided a version of CP/M+ on ROM. This used two 2 16KB ROMs which . These were standard CPC firmware compatible ROMs. You were required to send them your system discs, essentially they provided a transfer service so they didn't infringe on Digital Research's copyright or distribution policy.
Additional 'utility' These ROMs (with a custom structure and not CPC firmware compatible) contained CP/M programs installed on a were available in their own ROM. You could choose which programs you wanted to be installedboard expansion.
They To get their CPM you were required to send them your system discs and essentially they provided one accessory a transfer service so they didn't infringe on Digital Research's copyright or distribution policy. The ROM:they provided had your address and serial number encoded on the ROM.* In addition, 'utility' ROMs (with a custom structure and not CPC firmware compatible) contained CP/M programs installed on a ROM. They produced one [[CPM_Accessory_ROM_1]]but you could buy more with the programs you wanted to be installed.
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