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98 bytes added, 13 June
/* Technical information */
3 ports are used to control the OPL3 soundcard: &FEBC and &FEBE are register select ports, and &FEBD is the data port.
OPL3 is register compatible with OPL2, with twice the number of signal sources, 4 new operator modes, 4 new selectable waveforms and stereo output.
OPL3 offers 18 FM 2-op chans in its standard mode, but that can be configured:
* Both settings can be used at the same time
Also, The base a square waveform of can now be selected on each FM chan can be chosen between 8 waveform types, including a square waveform. So the OPL3 can play square waves like the PSG.
== Compatible Serdaco soundcards ==