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1 byte added, 21 June
/* Datasheets */
* [[Media:Klatt-1980-JAS000971.pdf]] - MIT research paper describing the Klatt formant synthesizer. The MEA8000 is largely based on it. (1980)
* '''Manipulaties met spraakgeluid, Philips Technisch Tijdschrif 40''' (Philips 1982) (Dutch) (this should contain technical details of the MEA8000 implementation) (there seems to be no copy in the internet yet)
* '''[ MEA8000 voice synthesizer: principles and interfacing, Philips Technical Publication 101''' ] (Philips/Elcoma 1983) (this might contain additional info on the filters & voice generator) (there seems to be no copy in the internet yet)
* '''PCF8200''' - newer chip, based on MEA8000 (isn't backwards-compatible, but works similarly)