Navy Seals (cartridge)
A game From OCEAN using well the Plus features.
Often considered amongst the best the GX4000/Plus can offer, it's a platform shooter game with an infiltration theme.
Covers from CPCmania
- Navy Seals
- Navy Seals
You can download in PDF from CPCmania ( See the links ).
You can download in CPR for use in emulators and BIN from CPCmania ( See the links ).
This game is particulary difficult and well done, looking quite like the 16-bit computers versions.
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Longplays courtesy from Xyphoes.
Implementation details and use of Plus hardware
- Mode 0 is used for display
- Plus palette is used
- Plus raster interrupt is used
- Plus sprites are used for man and enemies
- Plus split screen is used (for panel at the bottom)
- Plus soft hardware scroll is used. (The left column is also masked by the border)
- Plus DMA is used (channel 0 is used for sound effects. Each sound effect is defined only by a list of DMA commands. e.g. no CPU driver is used to play them).
- bullets are done with soft sprites
- CRTC Register values are: R0 = 63, R1 = 40, R2 = 46, R3 = 14, R4 = 38, R5 = 0, R6 = 29, R7 = 32
R0,R1,R2,R4,R5 are the normal values used by the system. R3 means a horizontal sync width of 14 chars, but a vertical sync width of 16 lines. R6 is 4 more lines than normal (probably for the panel at the bottom), R7 is 2 chars more than normal shifting the screen up by 2 char lines, to centralise the display and panel. The effect of the left column being masked is not compensated for.
Links ( on the games section : GX4000/CPC+ GAMES )