
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

82 bytes added, 18:40, 8 February 2017
[[File:uIDE 16 v0.1.JPG|250px|thumb|right|uIDE 16]]
== About the uIDE project ==
The uIDE concept is not terribly new (search for GIDEand you will see what I mean, although these adapters are not available any more).  The idea was to produce a '''low cost''' IDE adapter, suitable for connecting to Z-80 computers via a shim board that fits between a (socketed) Z-80 and its main board socket. From the shim, a 40 way IDC cable is connected to the uIDE adapter board, then a CF card or DOM plugs into the other end (if there is space inside your Z-80 computer, you may be able to connect the shim and uIDE cards directly together without a cable). uIDE cards are "universal" because their I/O base address is fully configurable via a row of 2 position jumpers on the board.
Once the hardware is installed, drivers need to be written (see below).