

726 bytes removed, 11:00, 9 August 2006
/* Drives, hard-discs and mass storage */
== Drives, hard-discs and mass storage ==
Standard OS like AmsDOS, CP/M or MS-DOS work only with one drive (or partition) at one time. If someone wants to use another drive, they must leave the actual drive and activate the new drive (AmsDOS: “|B” /// CP/M and DOS: “B:”). FutureOS doesn't have that restriction. You can use supports up to eight drives and up to four hard-disc partitions at the same time. Further Also you can work with IDE-hard-discs since system .9.To select devices just click the drive-icons and partition-icons of the corresponding devices you want to use. And then click the DIRectory icon. Now FutureOS reads all buffers the directories read from any mass storage device in RAM and you can work with all the files of all selected devices. FutureOS buffers all directories in expansion RAM. That speeds up file handling. For example a 178 KB file can be read (or written) in less than 9 seconds. Normally a FutureOS application is loaded in about one or two seconds from floppy disc or faster from hard-disc.
== Core Utilities ==
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