*[http://genesis8.free.fr/index.php Genesis 8] - Genesis 8 is a spartan, but often-updated Amstrad-related news site.
*[http://cpcrulez.free.fr/ CPC Rulez] ([http://cpcrulez.2ya.com/ Alternative Link]) (FR) A great french site, updated frequently, with software reviews, utilities, games, demos, hardware info. A treasure and a must-visit if you speak french (though not necessarily so).
*[http://www.frappr.com/cpcscene/ CPC scene map]
*[http://www.cepece.info/ CePeCe.info] (ES) - Spanish CPC portal and web-hosting facilities for your CPC webpage.
*[http://cpccrackers.free.fr CPCCRACKERS] - French site about crackers for the CPC.
*[http://gx4000.co.uk/ GX4000.co.uk], a new site devoted to the hardware and software of the oft-neglected games console.
*[http://grimware.org/doku.php Grimware] is a really nice site with hardware info and hacks for the CPC machines... give it a try!
*[http://www.http://norecess.cpcscene.net / NoRecess /Condense {the website}] is a Canadian site dealing with news related to NoRecess/CondenseHomepage of an Amstrad CPC demoscene group.
*[https://rolandradio.net Roland Radio] CPC Amstrad chiptune streaming 24/7
*[http://www.bitstream.uk Bitstream] Podcast on chiptune and the demoscene. Includes CPC Amstrad