
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

24 bytes added, 16:50, 13 March 2017
/* uIDE-8 for the PCW */
== I/O Address configuration ==
=== uIDE-8 for the PCW ===
The I/O base address for the PCW uIDE-8 driver is '''C8'''.To configure the jumper settings at '''JP1''' on uIDE-8for the PCW driver, use the example settings printed on the board. The individual jumpers are labelled '''A7-A3''', and you should set the jumpers like this: '''A7=1, A6=1, A5=0, A4=0, A3=1'''. This is the top 5 bits of the hexadecimal value C8.
=== uIDE-16 for the PCW ===