
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

206 bytes added, 12:23, 14 February 2017
'''uIDE-16''' can be configured for use on any Z-80 microcomputer such as the CPC range of computers. It is called "uIDE-16" because it decodes all 16 address bus lines to provide access to the IDE ATA registers as is required by the Amstrad CPC machines.
'''uIDE-8''' is a similar design that just decodes the low 8 bits of the Z-80 adddress bus, and this can be used on the PCW and most other Z80 machines. uIDE-16 has a user-configurable 8-bit mode that allows it to work with 8-bit addressed I/Oas well. In this mode, some components (U1 and its socket and smoothing capacitor) may be left out of off the board. However, uIDE-8 is slightly smaller and cheaper than uIDE-16.
== Project status ==
As of now (Early Feb 2017) uIDE-16 is in the design phase, but the board has boards have been laid out. Click the image above images around the page for a closer look.
uIDE-8 was prototyped and tested successfully on the PCW 9512. A FID based driver has been written that supports Amstrad CP/M and Locoscript (but it cannot cold boot the machine).
* Can be connected to the PCW expansion port (see below) or internally via a Z80 shim card (note, this requires a socketed Z80).
* Driver supports Amstrad CP/M Plus only at this time (it is implemented as a FID).
* A separate driver exists for Lifeboat CP/M 2.2 on the TRS-80 Model II that can be ported on demand to other CP/M 2.2 variants.* The CP/M driver runs the IDE device in LBA / 8 bit mode, so DOMs or CF cards are recommended (up to at least 128MBis recommended).* Fully programmable I/O address decoding (via on-board jumpers). Initial I/O range (uIDE-16, for the CPC driver) is FEF0-FEF7and (uIDE-8, for the PCW driver) is C8-CF, but you can change this to suit your own hardware / driver.
* Can be used on any other Z80 computer with a socketed processor.
* Implements a standard bus connector that exactly matches the Z80 pinout. Further expansions are planned, including a Z80 bus board, serial port, parallel port (possibly a clone of the CPS8256), mouse port, dk'tronics sound clone (PCW), etc.
== Z80 Shims ==