*[http://arkos.cpcscene.com/ Arkos Demogroup] - The page of [[Arkos|Arkos]], with some great demos, diskmags, games and tools.
*[http://www.cpc-hardware.com/ CPC Hardware] - (F) Forum, nice downloads, hardware projects; also an online store for hardware stuff like [[RS232|RS232]] interfaces etc.
*[http://www.FutureOS.de/ FutureOS homepage] - Official homepage of the operating system [[FutureOS|FutureOS]] for the CPC6128 and CPCPlus.
*[http://cpcgamescd.cpcwiki.eu/ CPCGamesCD homepage]
*[http://optimus.demoscene.gr/cpcscene/ The CPC Demoscene] Optimus website about the CPC demoscene with a list of some of the best CPC demos with reviews and screenshots.
*[http://amstrad.cpc.free.fr Amstradeus] Lots of interviews, manuals for download and much more. (French)