*[https://web.archive.org/web/20181113190515/http://amstrad.esy.es/ M4 Explorer] Another front-end for the M4 Board. It is not in ROM format. The files are installed on the root of the microSD card
*[https://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/applications/filelauncher-(acmedosm4dos)/ FileLauncher] Front-end for the X-Mass or M4 Board available as a ROM
*[https://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/applications/lilicpc-2-2-m4-ulifac-loaders-available-now/LiliCPC] Huge collection of games launchable by code (using a PDF) to be used on CPC with an USIfAC or M4 Board
*[http://amsnet.chez.com/ UniLoad] CPC Launcher with 1000+ games included to be used on CPC with any mass-storage expansion supported by [[UniDOS]] (M4 Board, X-Mass, Symbiface II, Albireo, etc...). A tool is also provided to create your own game database
*[https://cpcrulez.fr/applications_disc-hxc_floppy_emulator_manager.htm HxC Floppy Emulator Manager] CPC front-end for the [[Gotek]] floppy drive with [[HxC Floppy Emulator|HxC]] or [[FlashFloppy]]