*[https://www.4mhz.es 4MHz (ES)] Homebrew developer group that focuses on creating games for retro systems that use the Z80 CPU.
*[https://www.usebox.net/jjm/ Usebox.net] Homebrew studio that focuses on creating games for retro systems, among which is the CPC.
*[https://mananuk.itch.io/profile/mananuk Mananuk] Homebrew game developer for retro systems, including the CPC
*[https://www.amstradggp.com/ Amstrad GGP] CPC homebrew games developer group
*[http://www.prodatron.net Prodatron's page] ([[Prodatron|Prodatrons]] homepage includes info and downloads of his productions as well as a lot of downloads for CPC Digitracker modules (MDL), OCP Art Studio pictures and Scene demos)