Last modified on 7 October 2009, at 08:52

Graphical User Interface

Revision as of 08:52, 7 October 2009 by MacDeath (Talk | contribs)

A "Mac or Windows like" interface...

Mostly with a "mouse pointer" and menues.

Also called GUI.

This wasn't so well used on Amstrad CPC :

  • lack of Mouse :few models existed, not alway compatibles.
  • Expensive on CPU ressources or speed : the mouse Pointer is like a sprite and using the Joystick to move it is painfully slow and lack precision.

As a result, Keyboards short cut may be more appropriate on an Amstrad CPC.

But some games used such an interface, but because it was a Joystick instead of a proper mouse... it sucked and was often a source of slow gameplay (See Hero Quest).

GUI Amstrad CPC Games

GUI Amstrad CPC OS

Proper Link to CPC related GUI article