

132 bytes added, 19:46, 22 February 2008
==== Software-related ====
   *[ CPC Zone] Home of the Gamebase, the ultimate collection of information (with screenshots, coverscans, reviews etc) on all games CPC. Also home of the Zone Forum.* [[|PhenixInformatique]][[|]] (F)*[ The Amstrad Computer Game Resource]*[ Amstrad ESP (ES)] All about the Spanish software for CPC. RUA Magazine and ESP Soft links.*[ CPC Game Reviews] - CPC Game Reviews is a website which, as its name suggests, contains reviews of games for the Amstrad CPC computer - hundreds of them, in fact. It also contains a collection of advertisements which have been scanned from Amstrad CPC magazines.*[ Amstrad Zone]*[ Prodatron's page] ([[Prodatron|Prodatrons]]s homepage includes the infos and downloads of his productions as well as a lot of downloads for CPC Digitracker modules (MDL), OCP Art Studio pictures and Scene demos)*[ Best of CPC] (ES)*[ Arkos Demogroup] - The page of [[Arkos]], with some great demos, diskmags, games and tools.*[ CPC Hardware] - (F) Forum, nice downloads, hardware projects; also an online store for hardware stuff like [[RS232]] interfaces etc.*[ FutureOS homepage]*[ CPCGamesCD homepage]*[ The CPC Demoscene] Optimus website about the CPC demoscene with a list of some of the best CPC demos with reviews and screenshots. 