

32 bytes added, 18:25, 13 September 2018
/* Last news about this project */
In August 2018, totally desperated -around time and level of efforts- about reaching next step focus around Z80 range, here came Sorgelig, he is working around port of FPGAmstrad into the MiSTer FPGA platform, and make during his step an intermediate jump step on MiST-board called "Amstrad_MiST" full of verilog as he seems to love. And, as a specialist of Z80 core, I just send him Z80 testbenches I collected since, he then corrected the Z80 fully this way, I merged, resulting this next current checkpoint.
In May 2018, I programmed my first CPC game following JDVA youtube tutorial since january, they are based on CPCMania 2005's website knowledge about programing in CPC using SDCC. I think that if I do progress this way enough, I'll implement my own CPC testbenches, needed for reaching next realise of FPGAmstrad.(I did it : Moustache testbench)
[[File:Mk2-cpc-600x350.png|thumbnail|Image converted to CPC by SuTeKH/Epyteo]]