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250 bytes added, 19:59, 29 December 2011
Two weeks back, all this changed; first the forest went quiet for a few days, not even a sparra' dared to make a sound. Then the noises began, first shoutin' then all manner o' bangs, explosions and things best not thought about. Yesterday, old Leanoric upped an' left an' moved to another 'ut on t'uther side o' village. Hieke (who knows 'em better 'n most), reckons they's about to start a feudin' an' woe betide the poor soul who gets in their way. That as maybe but there's strange things afoot in this 'ere village an' no mistake. It don't take no fancy book learnin' to figger we ain't seen the last o' this, you mark my words."
== Loading Instructions ==
'''Amstrad 464''' Press CNTRL and small ENTER '''Amstrad 664/6128''' Type |TAPE and press RETURNPress CNTRL and small ENTER   
{| align="center" border="1"|-| '''Amstrad 464'''| Press CNTRL and small ENTER|-| '''Amstrad 664/6128'''| Type &#124;TAPE and press RETURN<br/>Press CNTRL and small ENTER|}<p style="text-align: center;">'''CONTROL KEYS'''</p><div align="center"><center>{| border="1"|-| colspan="2" | '''Joystick or Keys. '''|-| '''Left '''| O |-| '''Right '''| P |-| '''Up '''| Q |-| '''Down '''| A |-| '''Fire '''| SPACE |}</center></div>
== HINTS ==