Amstrad/Schneider DMP2000 Printer
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Amstrad's second printer, the successor to the DMP1 printer.
[hide]General Specifications
For (detailed) general information about Amstrad/Scheider printers, see:
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Models
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Technical Specifications
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Control Codes
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Support for 7bit Printer Ports
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Character Sets
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Buttons and DIP Switches
- Amstrad/Schneider Printer Resources (User and Service Manuals, Datasheets, ROM-images)
The built-in font
The font is stored so that each byte is a column of the character. And stored so that the rom is read in incrementing order in order to draw the char.
- DMP 2000 Font
- DMP 2000
Riteman Plus
There are (at least some) relations to Riteman+ plus printers:
- The DMP2000 accepts Riteman ribbon cassettes
- The shape of the case of DMP2xxx/DMP3xxxx series does resemble the Riteman models (although it isn't identical; the front of the Ritemans has a short horizontal edge, then followed by what looks like as a steeper diagonal edge - look at the photos to see for yourself)
- Unknown if the Riteman's internal PCB, mechanics, and Firmware do have relations to Amstrad models.
- According to the ACU review: the DMP2000 is "based on" the "Riteman F".
- Riteman C+/F+ from C.Itoh Electronics Corp
- The Dart Scanner for DMP-Printers from Dart Electronics is a add-on for DMP2000/3000 printers, the scanner optics are attached to the printer head.
- The DMP2000 Buffer Upgrade Kit from Goldmark Systems is a RAM expansion for DMP2000 printers.
Hardware Notes
The mainboard contains a uPD7811 CPU (marked "Amstrad 40036") with built-in 4K ROM, which contains reset/irq vectors and draft character set. Most of the actual program code and the NLQ character set are located in a separate 16K ROM/EPROM. The same mainboard (with additional ROM) is also used in DMP3000 models.
- DMP2000 User Manual (English) (1985) (pdf)
- DMP2000 User Manual (English) (1985) (jpg's in a wiki gallery)
- DMP2000 User Manual (French)
- DMP2000 User Manual (Spanish)
- DMP2000,DMP3000,DMP4000 Service Manual (English) (hires) or (lowres)
- DMP2000 Service Manual (English)
- DMP2000 Service Manual (German and English)
- DMP2000 ROM Image (16K EPROM, not including the 4K ROM located inside of the CPU) (dumped from a spanish printer, but should be same for all countries)
- DMP2000 ROM Image (Schneider) (16K EPROM, not including the 4K ROM located inside of the CPU)
- DMP2000 launch announced in Amstrad Computer User (October 1985, page 7)
- DMP2000 review in Amstrad Computer User (November 1985, pages 41, 42)
- DMP2000 review in CPC Schneider International (March 1986, page 36)
- DMP2000/DMP3000 Adverts in ACU 87-04 page 7, ACU 87-05 page 49, ACU 87-06 page 23.
- DMP2000/DMP3160 Adverts in ACU 87-11 page 17, ACU 87-12 page 9, ACU 88-01 page 7.
- Amstrad DMP 2000 Dot Matrix Printer by ChinnyVision