
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

448 bytes added, 16:50, 7 February 2017
Add feature list and links, improve format
About== About uIDE 16 =='''uIDE 16''' is a universal Z80 IDE card that can be configured for use on the CPC range of computers.
== Project status ==
As of now (Feb 2017) it is in the design phase, but the board has been laid out:;attach=21727;image
More details will follow soon, but for now, here is a brief feature == Feature list:==* Compact design, only 4 ICs and a smattering of discreet [ PCW prototype & driver demonstration videos]components. Board measures 78.99x59.59mm (will probabbly upsize it to 80x60)
* Can be connected to the expansion port or internally via a Z80 shim card (note, this requires a socketed Z80).
* Driver supports CP/M Plus only at this time.
* Fully programmable I/O address decoding (via on-board jumpers). Initial I/O range (for the CPC driver) is FEF0-FEF7.
* Can be used on any Z80 computer with a socketed processor.
== More information ==
[ uIDE 16 discussion thread]
[ PCW uIDE discussion thread]
[ PWC uIDE prototype demoonstration videos]