

3 bytes added, 19:18, 26 April 2015
char 1 byte.
Can be signed (-128 to 127) or unsigned (0 to 255). By default is signed.
int 2 bytes.
Can be signed (-32768 to 32767) or unsigned (0 to 65535). By default is signed.
Pointers 2 bytes.
Arrays Size of type * number of items.
Arrays of pointers are not supported.
Examples: "This is a text"
"Text with a newline\n"
Can be included in character constants or strings.
\n Newline, 10 decimal. \t Tab, 9 decimal. \r Carriage line, 13 decimal. \b Backspace, 8 decimal. \a Alarm, 7 decimal. \f Formfeed, 12 decimal. \0 Null, 0 decimal.
for(init, cond, incr) statement; while(cond) statement; do statement; while(cond); switch(cond) case statements; if(cond) statement; else statement; continue; break; return; return expr;