
Fenyx Kell

1,079 bytes added, 21:27, 28 September 2006
'''Fenyx Kell''' is a french programmer and musician on CPC and CPC +.

== Games ==
* [[I.S.C.]] (1988, shooting game)
* [[Dingbot]] (1989, a [[Boulder Dash]] clone)
* [[Time]] (1991, adventure game)
* [[Burglar]] (1991, adventure game, edited by [[Lankhor]] within compilation [[Black Soft (Vol. 1)]])
* [[Light Sword]] (1991, adventure game, aborted)
* [[Haruspice]] (1992, RPG, aborted. Dungeon Master clone)
* [[Ravening]] (1992, puzzle game. Puzznic clone)
* [[Le Petit Chevalier]] (1992, platform game)
* [[Pignools]] (1992, puzzle game. Lemmings clone)
* [[Retry, Ignore & Cancel]] (1993, platform game)
* [[Call &BD10'n Oeuf]] (2005, CPC+ only, platform/puzzle game). 3rd presented at the [[Amstrad Expo 2005]] in Coutances, France.
* [[Overscanoid]] (under developpment)

== Fanzine Disc ==
* [[Demo Phoenix II]] (1992)

== Music ==
* [[Call &BD10'n Oeuf]] (2005)
* [[Bobline]] (2005)
* [[Solarium]] (2005)

== Utilities ==
* [[Sprite Editor]] (1993, a Sprite editor for AMX Mouse)
* [[DBD7]] (2004, Floppy disk database for CPC, on CPC)

[[Category:CPC scene members]]
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