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21 bytes removed, 00:26, 25 August 2006
/* Hardware */
== Hardware ==
The OS supports many of the hardware available for the CPC, including different serial interfaces, real-time-clocks, printers, the Vortex disc drives, several mice & trackballs and the Dobbertin HD20 hard disc. Also newer hardware expansions like two components of the CPC-Booster [[SYMBiFACE II]] (rudimentary, since the Booster does all itself) RTC and the Symbiface (RTC, PS/2 mouse) are supported in system .8 beta. Mouse support can't be used in own applications, but only inside the file selection menu.
One idea of FutureOS was to support any hardware available. For example there are 3.5" B-drives, Vortex F1-D-drives, hard-discs, real-time-clocks, serial interfaces etc.