Pixels in X adapted. And in Y. Proof can be seen in deleted Article of "Return of the Sisters". Look later ;-)
*When the 664 was being developed, Sugar was already looking (and hinting publicly!) at the 6128
*The CPC 472 was a model released in Spain with an extra unsoldered 8K of RAM to circumvent the law that stipulated a spanish keyboard for all machines with up to 64 KB memory
*With a possible total amount of '''768 832 x 270 288 pixel''' (540 576 interlaced) the [[CPC|CPC]] was the 8 bit homecomputer with the highest screen resolution ever.
*'''OpenOffice''' for Windows/Linux is a direct descendant of [[Star-Division|StarWriter]] for the CPC.
*The transfer speed of the [[CPC Booster|CPC Booster +]] serial interface is faster than a standard '''DSL connection'''.
*[[SymbOS|SymbOS]] can handle more than '''50 times''' bigger hard discs than MS Windows 95A.
*[[FutureOS|FutureOS]] can load 178 KB in '''9 seconds''' from floppy disc.
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